sábado, 28 de outubro de 2023

time to be brave

get down to somewhere phrasal

get suited up phrasal

 eseja pronto com a roupa

breathing a sigh of relief

 Maine Gov. Janet Mills said she is “breathing a sigh of relief tonight knowing that … Card is no longer a threat to anyone.”

sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2023

got through phrasal

 She was really worried about her final exam, but in the end, she got through it with no problems.

quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2023

token of gratitude

 Simply put, a token of gratitude is a small present given to someone who has done something good to you.

It is a gesture of appreciation and a gracious acknowledgement of the small and great things that people and nature bring our way.

quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2023

tuition loan - tuition money - tuition

 A tuition loan is a type of borrowed money designed to cover the costs of college tuition1. A tuition loan can include a Tuition Fee Loan, which is paid directly to the course provider, and a Maintenance Loan, which helps with living costs2. A tuition loan does not have to be paid back until after the course, when the borrower is earning above a certain level2.

teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups:

"private tuition in French" · "tuition fees"


a sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university:

"I'm not paying next year's tuition"

edgy - edgy comedies




tense, nervous, or irritable:

"he became edgy and defensive"

(of a musical performance or piece of writing) having an intense or sharp quality:

we're looking more for edgy comedies with a kiss-ass-type womanDictionary

Data from Oxford Languages

Dark comedy, black comedy or black humor is a sub-genre of comedy where commonly objectionable topics and events are used in a satirical manner as a source of humor in a narrative work. A dark comedy can be a movie, TV show, novel, podcast, or any other form of narrative art.

terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2023

to call out alertar -atentar phrasal feb 2025

The term "call out" has multiple meanings: 


In publishing, a call-out is a short piece of text that gives information about part of a printed drawing, photograph, or document.

In a social context, a call-out refers to a public criticism that draws attention to something negative about what another person or organization has said or done.

In emergency situations, to "call out" means to ask somebody to come, such as calling out an engineer or a plumber. 

Call out can mean12:

To speak in a loud voice; shout.

To summon into service or action.

To bring out; elicit.

To direct attention to with a callout.

To ask someone to come in order to do a job, especially when it is an

domingo, 22 de outubro de 2023

truth be told

skip the line

 skip the line

quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2023

They catch up with him and shoot him phrasal 2024 We'll catch up later! we need to catch up- - maybe I can catch up "you don't remember?"Catch me up 2024

 They catch up with him and shoot him

quinta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2023

taking atone


Tradução de atone — Dicionário inglês-português





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to do something that shows you are sorry for having done something wrong


They want him to atone for his actions.

quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2023

lay bare something idiom

 lay bare something idiom

Brutality of Hamas' assault laid bare

lay bare (something) To divulge, explain, or reveal something not previously known publicly. Our hope is that this expedition will lay bare the secrets of the ancient king's tomb. 

terça-feira, 10 de outubro de 2023

let it linger - deixe prolongar lnger on - continuar sem pressa

 Infelizmente, o sentido do refrão de uma canção de Lou Reed não está claro para mim. Pode me ajudar? O início da letra é: Sometimes I feel so happy / Sometimes I feel so sad / Sometimes I feel so happy / But mostly you just make me mad / Baby, you just make me mad / CHORUS Linger on, your pale-blue eyes / Linger on, your pale-blue eyes. O que significa linger on?

A resposta do Prof. Michael Jacobs

Para entender a expressão linger on, devemos primeiramente começar pelo verbo linger. To linger quer dizer “se demorar, tardar, se prolongar”. Significa “não estar com pressa”, “não estar preocupado com o tempo”, especialmente quando não se tem muito para fazer. Linger on apenas reforça a idéia de que o ato de lingering continua.

Portanto, linger on your pale-blue eyes pode significar duas coisas: que o intérprete continua a olhar para dentro dos olhos azuis da pessoa; ou que ele/ela quer continuar a ver, ou a imaginar, os claros olhos azuis da outra pessoa.

É interessante que a grande Marisa Monte use a mesma expressão numa das suas lindas canções… Pale-blue eyes! Acabo de olhar entre os meus CD para verificar o título e percebo – epa! – que a letra da música de Marisa Monte não é dela, mas de… Lou Reed! É exatamente a música de que você está falando!

segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023

the weather so sticky


uk/ˈstɪk.i/ us/ˈstɪk.i/


made of or covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches

If the weather is sticky, it is very hot and the air feels wet.


unwilling to agree

domingo, 8 de outubro de 2023

don't do the coulda woulda shoulda

sábado, 7 de outubro de 2023

get a bit of a wobble

 Você tem um pouco de oscilação

get a bit stoned

Meaning of wobble in English




UK  /ˈwɒb.əl/ US  /ˈwɑː.bəl/

wobble verb (MOVE)

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[ I or T ]

to (cause something to) shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance:

That bookcase wobbles whenever you put anything on it.

Don't wobble the table, please, Dan.

figurative The company's shares wobbled with the news of a foreign takeover bid.

 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

Shaking, swinging and vibrating

brandishearth-shakingflapflappyflourishflufffluff something upreverberativeripplerock-a-byeshake outshakilyshakinessswaythrashtremulouslyvibratevibrationvibratorywaggleSee more results »

wobble verb (NOT CERTAIN)


[ I ] informal

to be uncertain what to do or to change repeatedly between two opinions:

The government can't afford to wobble on this issue.

 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases



noun [ C ]

UK  /ˈwɒb.əl/ US  /ˈwɑː.bəl/

wobble noun [C] (MOVEMENT)


a movement from side to side that shows poor balance:

I gave the poles a slight wobble and the whole tent collapsed.

figurative The closure of the company's German subsidiary caused a sharp wobble in its profits.

 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

wobble noun [C] (NOT CERTAIN)


UK informal

a feeling of not being certain about something:

She's having a bit of a wobble about the move to New York.

domingo, 1 de outubro de 2023

expressing for some issues whiteboard


beforehand -previously, antecipadamente

 write them beforehand