yeah, he's under me
Stand out is a phrasal verb that has two meanings12: destaca,
25 Tips to Make Your Eyes Stand out ... (
To be easily seen or noticed, especially because of being different or better than others12. For example, the black lettering stands out against the white background1.
To be a standout, which is a noun that means someone or something that is much better than others32. For example, Phelps is a standout in swimming3.
A synonym for “stand out” is “emerge” 12. Other synonyms include “loom”, “stick out”, “attract attention”, “be distinct”, and “beetle” 1.
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[wipe out]
eliminate something completely:
"their life savings were wiped out" · "the dairy industry there has been all but wiped out in recent years"
kill a large number of people:
"the plague had wiped out whole villages" · "the first corps attacked and was wiped out"
ruin someone financially:
"apple growers in the next county were wiped out by hail this year"
exhaust someone:
"this first day back at work has wiped me out"
be capsized by a wave while surfing:
"always try to surf the big wave but be prepared to wipe out"
fall over or off a vehicle:
"she wiped out on some wet grass and hurt her shoulder"
hanging up the telephone
"Batter up" is a phrasal verb that is used in baseball to call the next batter to the plate1. The elided verb is 'be'1. The phrase can also be used to mean "to damage or harm someone or something"2.
REAP meaning: 1 : to get (something, such as a reward) as a result of something that you have done; 2 : to cut and collect (a plant, crop, etc.) from a field
To reap what one sows is a common idiomatic expression that means to experience an equal or the same kind of situation one caused others to experience. When someone reaps what they sow, everything happening to them results from things they’ve done in the past.
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